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Auteur Vittorio PAJNO |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (3)

Light Airplane and Glider Static and Dynamic Stability. The Aircraft Maneuvrability / Vittorio PAJNO
Titre : Light Airplane and Glider Static and Dynamic Stability. The Aircraft Maneuvrability : Basic Theory and Calculation Examples Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Vittorio PAJNO, Auteur Editeur : Roma : IBN Editore Année de publication : 2015 Importance : 179 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-88-7565-217-3 Note générale : Contents
BibliographyCatégories : Avions:Stabilité
Planeurs (aéronautique):Conception et construction
Planeurs (aéronautique):PilotageIndex. décimale : 629.13 Aéronautique : Appareils, installation, technique de la navigation, pilotage Résumé : Static Stability Analysis
Maneuvrable Stability
Dynamic Stability
Longitudinal and Lateral Dynamic Stability
The Quartic Equation Solution
Control System Design
Elevator Required for Landing
Stick Forces for Trim and Stick Force Per "G"
Balancing of Control Surfaces
Mean aerodynamic Chord Calculation
V6 "Kite" C.G.
Baricentric Moment of Inertia for V6 "Kite"
Static Margins
Trim Cases and Stick Forces Per "g"
Stick Forces as a Function of Vi
Stick Angle with and without Flaps
Longitudinal Dynamic Stability of Aircraft
Writing Quartic Equations
Lateral Dynamic Stability of Aircraft
Lateral Quartic Equations
The Quartic Equation Solution
Design of Aileron Control Surfaces
Design of Rudder Control Surfaces
Elevator Required for Landing
Stick Movements Per "g"
Static Equilibration of Mobile Surfaces
Graphic Meaning of the Static Margin
Effect of Mechanical Device in the Elevator Circuit
CONCLUSIONExemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité B00014680 629.13 PAJ Ouvrage BIBLIOTHÈQUE - ACCÈS LIBRE 600 - Sciences appliquées - Technologie Disponible Sailplane Design Example : Design Calculation Example. Structural Dimensioning. Technical Specifications - Design Rules / Vittorio PAJNO
Titre : Sailplane Design Example : Design Calculation Example. Structural Dimensioning. Technical Specifications - Design Rules Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Vittorio PAJNO, Auteur Editeur : Roma : IBN Editore Année de publication : 2016 Importance : 315 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-88-7565-257-9 Note générale : Content
Reference DocumentsCatégories : Planeurs (aéronautique):Conception et construction Index. décimale : 629.13 Aéronautique : Appareils, installation, technique de la navigation, pilotage Résumé : Sailplane Construction evolution
Sample Sailplane Drawing and Calculation List
Sample Sailplane Data
Fuselage Wetted Surface Area
Polar Calculation
Polar with Airbrakes Open
V-N Diagrams
Gust Envelope Determination
Tow Speed
Lift Distribution. Shrenk's Method
Mass Forces Determination and Distribution
Wing Torsion
MT Variation due to Wing "P" and "Q"
Wing Torsion Design Consideration
Wing Torsion due to Aileron Manœuvre
Ailerons Loads
Airbrakes Loads
Wing Fitting Loads
The M.A.C. and M.G.C.Calculation
Sailplane Weights and Pitching Moment of Inertia
The Pitching Moment of Inertia and Jg Calculation
Inertia Moments about the Three Axes: X, Y, Z
C.G. Excursion
Horizontal Tail Loads. BCAR-E Rules
Horizontal Tail Loads. "Means of Compliance" as Per EASA CS 22 Rules. Book 2
Horizontal Tail. Gust Loads Manœuvre. Supplementary Loads on the Horiozontal Tail due to Tail Gust
Horizontal Tail. Asymmetric Loads
Vertical Tail Loads. Load due to the Rudder Rotation
Vertical Tail Loads. Yaw Loads
Fin Supplementary Loads
Control Loads
Fuselage Loads
Static Stability
Analysis of the Controls
Landing Gears. Main Gear
Reference Distances
SECTION A - Preliminary Weight Calculation
SECTION B - Wing Spar Calculations
SECTION C - The Wing Skin Weight and Total Weight
SECTION D - Airbrake Structural Check
SECTION E - Ailerons
SECTION F - Auxiliary Spar Calculation
SECTION G - Calculation of Wing-Fuselage Fittings
SECTION H - Wing Deflection
SECTION I - Empennages
SECTION K - Structural Check of the Fuselage
SECTION L - Fixed and Retractable Landing Gear
SECTION M - Landing Gear Retractation Control
SECTION N - Balancing Method
SECTION O - Laminations
SECTION P - Controls
SECTION Q - Equipment and MaintenanceExemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité B00014655 629.13 PAJ Ouvrage BIBLIOTHÈQUE - ACCÈS LIBRE 600 - Sciences appliquées - Technologie Disponible
Titre : Sailplane Design : A Guide for Students and Designers : From Drafting to Flight Test Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Vittorio PAJNO, Auteur Editeur : Roma : IBN Editore Année de publication : 2018 Importance : 477 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-88-7565-092-6 Note générale : Foreword
Calculation ExamplesCatégories : Aérodynamique
Planeurs (aéronautique):Conception et construction
Vol à voileIndex. décimale : 629.13 Aéronautique : Appareils, installation, technique de la navigation, pilotage Résumé : Glider Design and Drafting
Flight Mechanics
Glider Aerodynamics
Stability. Physical Meaning
Glider Stability Calculations
Glider Dynamic Stability Calculations
Airworthiness Requirements
Structural Loads
Static Tests
Flight Tests
Glider Certification
Winglet DesignExemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité B00014687 629.13 PAJ Ouvrage BIBLIOTHÈQUE - ACCÈS LIBRE 600 - Sciences appliquées - Technologie Disponible