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Creep in Timber Structures. Report of RILEM (The International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures) Technical Committee 112-TSC / P. MORLIER
Titre : Creep in Timber Structures. Report of RILEM (The International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures) Technical Committee 112-TSC Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : P. MORLIER, Éditeur scientifique Editeur : Spon Press Année de publication : 1994 Collection : RILEM Report num. 8 Importance : 149 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-419-18830-8 Note générale : Contents
List of Contributors - RILEM Technical Committee 112-TSC
Appendix : National Building Code Creep Factors
IndexCatégories : Construction en bois Index. décimale : 624.189 Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité B00004212 624.189 MOR Ouvrage BIBLIOTHÈQUE - ACCÈS LIBRE 600 - Sciences appliquées - Technologie Disponible
Titre : Flow Measurement & Meters Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : A. LINFORD Mention d'édition : 2nd revised and expanded ed. Editeur : Spon Press Année de publication : 1961 Importance : 430 p. Note générale : Prefaces
IndexIndex. décimale : 681.2 Instruments d'essai et de mesure Résumé : Mechanical Flow Meters
Differential Pressure Flow Meters. Detecting Elements
Differential Pressure Flow Meters. Measuring Units
Shunt Flow meters
Variable-Aperture Flow Meters
Open-Channel Flow meters
Electromagnetic, Ultrasonic and Mass-Flow meters
River-Flow Gauging
Telemetering and SummationExemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité B00005699 681.2 LIN Ouvrage BIBLIOTHÈQUE - ACCÈS LIBRE 600 - Sciences appliquées - Technologie Disponible
Titre : Heat Recovery Systems. A Directory of Equipment and Techniques Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : REAY, D., A. Editeur : Spon Press Année de publication : 1979 Importance : 590 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-419-11400-0 Note générale : Contents
SUbject Index
Index to ManufacturersCatégories : Chaleur Index. décimale : 641.4 Conservation : réfrigération, congélation, lyophilisation des aliments Résumé : Gas-to-lgas Heat Recovery
Gas-to-liquid Heat Recovery
Liquid-to-liquid Heat Recovery
Prime Movers-sources and Users of Waste Heat
Heat Recovery from Incineration Plant
Heat Pump Systems
Heat Recovery from Lighting Systems
Gas-to-gas Recovery Equipment
Gas-to-liquid Recovery Equipment
Liquid-to liquid Recovery Equipment
Heat Recovery from Prime Movers-equipement
Incinerators with Heat Recovery Equipment
Heat Pumps
Heat Recovery from Light FittingsExemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité B00005954 641.4 REA Ouvrage BIBLIOTHÈQUE - ACCÈS LIBRE 600 - Sciences appliquées - Technologie Disponible
Titre : Organic Peroxides : Their Formation and Reactions Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : E.G.E. HAWKINS Editeur : Spon Press Année de publication : 1961 Collection : General and industrial chemistry series Importance : 4634 p. Note générale : Preface
Author index
Subject indexCatégories : Chimie organique
PeroxydesIndex. décimale : 547 Chimie organique Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité B00002870 547 HAW Ouvrage BIBLIOTHÈQUE - ACCÈS LIBRE 500 - Sciences - Mathématiques Disponible
Titre : Teaching and Education in Fracture and Fatigue Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : ROSSMANITH, H., P. Editeur : Spon Press Année de publication : 1996 Importance : 357 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-419-20700-9 Note générale : Contents
Author Index
Subject IndexCatégories : Matériaux:Fatigue
Rupture, Mécanique de laIndex. décimale : 620.11 Matériaux (propriétés, résistance) Résumé : Introduction
Education in fatigue and fracture - A true challenge for the engineering world
Key issues related to the teaching of fatigue and fracture
Reflections on forty years teaching of the engineering aspects of fracture
Application and insight are the keys to learning in fracture mechanics
Teaching the physical basis of fracture mechanics
Teachnig and application of engineering fracture mechanics : the necessity of uniting simplicity and rationality
The teaching and failure analysis and accident reconstruction : an overview
Case studies for teaching failure analysis and materials engineering
Differences between scientific education and further re-educational information transfer to practitioners
Educational program in fracture mechanics of composites for designers
Changes beside continuation approach to fracture/fatigue educational programs
The use of case studies in multi-disciplinary teamwork for loss management optimization
The training of engineers on total quality
Teaching the impact of fracture mechanics on materials characterization and quality control
The role of practices in teaching and education in fracture mechanics
Advanced studies diploma in mechanics and materials
Teaching fracture mechanics in civil engineering education : the spanish experience
Teaching strategies and methods for stimulating the inventive abilities of engineering students
The problems of fracture and fatigue in education and training at the Technical University of Sofia
The strength calculation of the elements of constructions under conditions of the fatigue and the presence of cracks in the subject of "strength of materials"
On understanding fracture mechnaisms through computer self-study and testing
Education : the interface between research in fracture mechanics and engineering practice
Teaching fracture mechanics to graduate students with workstation-based simulation
PC Software assited teachning and learning of dynamic fracture and wave propagation phenomena
On inconsistency of terminology relating to teaching and education on fatigue and fracture
Classification of elasto-plastic fracture
Fundamentals of physico-chemical mechanics of fracture - Purposes and contents of the new educational course
A proposal for a graduate interdisciplinary course on probabilistic fracture mechanics
High strain rate phenomena in metla forming - New course in engineers education
Teaching high strain fatigue in finite element analysis
Assessment methodology of elements and constructions reliability criteria for transport machnies and equipment
The teaching of failure analysis and accident reconstructions : detailed course programExemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité B00006246 620.11 ROS Ouvrage BIBLIOTHÈQUE - ACCÈS LIBRE 600 - Sciences appliquées - Technologie Disponible
Titre : The Generation of Electricity by Wind Power Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : GOLDING, E., W. ; HARRIS, R., I. Mention d'édition : reprinted ed. Editeur : Spon Press Année de publication : 1978 Importance : 332 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-419-11070-5 Note générale : Prefaces
Selected Bibliography of Surface Wind Data
Glossary of Terms used in the Study of Wind Power
Recent Developments in Wind-Power Research
Subject Index
Name IndexCatégories : Centrales électriques
Energie éolienne
VentsIndex. décimale : 621.45 Techniques utilisant le vent : moulins, éoliennes Résumé : Introductory
The history of windmills
Estimation of the energy obtainable from the wind
Wind characteristics and distribution
Wind power sites
Wind surveys
Wind flow over hills
The measurement of wind velocity
Wind structure and its determination
Wind data and energy estimation
The testing of wind-driven A.C. generators
Wind-driven machines
Propeller type windmills
Plants for isolated premises and small communities
The economy of wind power generation
Construction costs for large wind-driven generators
The relationship of wind power to other power sources
Research and development
International co-operationExemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité B00005771 621.45 GOL Ouvrage BIBLIOTHÈQUE - ACCÈS LIBRE 600 - Sciences appliquées - Technologie Disponible